Crazy Lady Runs Up On Katy Perry's Dad And Tells Him His Daughter Has Sex With Demons


I just decided, just this very moment, that I could be a parent. I don’t want to be one right now. But I now know that I can handle it. You can too.  If that lady was able to have a kid and raise it then so are you.  As long as you don’t disown your kid for being the devil and then run up on a pop star’s Dad and berate him about how his daughter has sex with demons, you can raise a child. I feel like the only key to being a good parent is there has to be a worse parent(s) than you. As long as there is someone out there doing a worse job than you at raising a tiny human being, you’re doing okay. That lady right there set the bar super duper low. I can check all the boxes for raising a kid. Feed it? Done. Give it shelter? Done. Let it watch whatever stupid hypnotizing show it wants to watch? Done. Promise to not be a crazy person and believe that music videos contain demons? Done. Future parent of the year right here.

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